God’s fingerprints are everywhere.

Settled in the beauty of the Flint Hills, Camp Tomah Shinga aims to teach all of God’s children about the beauty and mystery of His creation all around us. In this day and age of technology, spending a week soaking in the outdoors and interacting face to face with friends is so valuable.

We provide opportunities for anything from tie-dying and rock-painting to canoeing and high ropes—all aimed at allowing our campers an opportunity to try something new while growing in faith and building community with other campers from all walks of life.

During the week, campers learn about the importance of God’s grace for His children. Here at Camp Tomah Shinga, all children are reminded of the love our God has for each of them, even in the midst of our imperfections.


 Finding Camp

  1. Follow Highway 70 to Exit 299

  2. Turn South-East towards J-Hill Road

  3. Follow J-Hill Road for around 5 miles

  4. Turn left into Camp Tomah Shinga