Jordan Valentine, Executive Director
Jordan was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She graduated from Bethany College with a B.A. in Exercise Science in 2021, and has been a part of camp ever since. She loves spending time in God’s creation and sharing it with all those who attend camp.
Casey Sparks, Maintenance
Board of Directors
Pr. Austin English - President
Outdoor ministry is a special, life changing place. It is said that a child learns more during a week of camp than an entire year in Sunday School. Shows how important camp is in building a strong foundation of faith. I pray that Camp Tomah Shinga can be that place for as many people as possible; youth to older adults.
Lynde Langston- Vice President
Andrew Leach- Treasurer
I serve on the CTS Board to help support the awesome ministry we have.
Clair Oleen
Bringing our Bethany basketball team to CTS for a retreat/work day when I was still coaching. CTS has immense potential for more growth in our mission and ministry. It is exciting to be able to contribute to this growth and ministry!
Bishop Susan Candea - CSS Bishop
Outdoor ministry connects us with God.
Rev. David Whetter - CSS Bishop’s Assistant
Although, I personally never attend camp as a youth, I have participated in camp as a church leader and I believe camp offers invaluable insight and experiences to our youth. I want to insure that as a synod we continue to expand our capacity to offer camp ministry to all youth who want to participate.
Mike Dimitri
Ian McCreedy
Johnny Adams